guidance with jedox ai powered search blog scribble
Categories: Inside Jedox, Knowledge3 min read

Discover relevant information instantly with Jedox AI-Powered Search

Natural language processing (NLP) enables effortless data exploration and autonomous planning for any Jedox user.

Paul Meresanu Director Product Management

Paul Meresanu, Director Product Management, Jedox

In the ever-evolving landscape of data and analytics within the office of finance, there’s one constant: the quest for user-friendly tools that empower teams to operate independently, without internal IT support, vendors, or external consultants. Enter natural language processing (NLP), a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) technology that transforms the way users interact with databases and platforms such as Jedox. The new Jedox AI-Powered Search tool leverages this technology to enhance the user experience for seamless navigation of the Jedox Knowledge Base.

Uncover simple solutions and best practices with Jedox AI-powered search

Imagine an environment where people can pose questions to the products they use with everyday language, just like having a conversation with a friend. That’s the power of Jedox AI-Powered Search. This technology enables users to articulate their questions naturally and intuitively, without context switching or diving into intricate filters. For example, instead of navigating to a specific section of the Jedox Knowledge Base, users can simply type a query in the search bar, such as “how do I create a financial planning report for the quarter,” and instantly receive an answer as well as additional best practices, training videos, and other relevant resources.

AI Search Natural Language Processing

With NLP, the Jedox platform becomes a reliable assistant for finance teams as they work through data complexities, removing obstacles for both experienced analysts and curious business users. Think of it as a direct conversation between the user and the Jedox platform, where their questions and ideas become actionable results. This tool is a game-changer for increased usability and an enhanced user experience.

Looking to the future: NLP beyond in-product support

As a dedicated partner in driving innovation, Jedox continues to work on developments to further enhance the platform, including NLP-powered views. Imagine effortlessly conversing with Jedox views, asking questions, and receiving instant, data-driven responses. The possibilities are limitless – from generating financial reports on the fly to uncovering hidden patterns using a simple voice command.

Team Jedox is hard at work harnessing the potential of NLP to create an intuitive, human-like interaction layer to boost the user experience. The goal is to bridge the gap between technology and the user, empowering them to focus on what matters: exploring insights and making confident decisions to drive profitable growth.

“Think of it as a direct conversation between the user and the Jedox platform, where their questions and ideas become actionable results.”

– Paul Meresanu, Director of Product Management, Jedox

Explore the possibilities of NLP for finance

Jedox AI-Powered Search is a significant leap forward for finance teams who want to solve challenges autonomously with the highest quality. Experience first-hand how this technology can transform the way users interact with models, scenarios, and data to deliver meaningful, relevant insights.

Stay tuned for updates as the Jedox Product Team works diligently to integrate the NLP-powered search functionality throughout Jedox in upcoming releases. Please reach out to contribute feedback on how to improve the Jedox experience for the wider finance community. The future is bright, and the possibilities are boundless.

Paul Meresanu

Paul, as the Director of Product Management for Jedox, the world's most adaptable planning and performance management platform, brings a wealth of expertise in scaling enterprise SaaS platforms. With a specific focus on high availability, observability, security, and generative AI capabilities, his knowledge and experience contribute to shaping the Jedox platform roadmap, ensuring that Jedox remains at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and user-centric solutions.

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