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4 Ways To Get the Most Out of Planful Perform 2021 (And All Other Virtual Events)

Remember the old days when you just went out in public? Ah, good times.

But, for now, virtual and online events remain the best alternative. While we’d so much rather be with you in person at Planful Perform 2021, virtual is how we’re helping finance and accounting professionals Accelerate Now. So how can you get the most out of this, and any other, virtual conference?

Perform 2021 is coming up this September 14-15 and you can register now for this FREE and completely virtual accounting and finance conference.

Since you may have attended a virtual event or two over the past 18 months, you know they’re different from an in-person event, obviously. We don’t want to add to your weekly allotment of video calls and your growing screen fatigue, and Perform 2021 is designed to be an innovative, dynamic virtual event. The schedule is tight, the sessions are accessible to everyone, and our number one goal is to make this an energizing, thought-provoking experience for all attendees. 

Even though we can’t be together, now is not the time to pause and wait for uncertainty to clear before we collectively move forward. We all have a desire to share new techniques, discuss how to lead through change, and learn how others are thriving amid uncertainty. That’s Perform 2021! And, although it’s virtual, it will be a meaningful and memorable experience. 

Here are just a few tips to help you get the most out of Planful Perform 2021…and every other virtual event.

#1 – Register Early

Getting Perform 2021 on your schedule ensures your schedule remains relatively free during the event. You want to give colleagues and business associates ample time to schedule around the event, rather than having to miss key sessions or scramble to reschedule meetings.

For Perform 2021, we’ve scheduled a compact and efficient 8:00 am to 1:30 pm schedule on September 14, and an even more efficient 8:00 am to 11:30 am on September 15. All times are Pacific Time.

Click here to learn more about some of the great sessions and speakers planned for Perform 2021.

Another benefit of early registration is keeping current with news, additions, and changes to the conference speakers and schedule. It’s hard to keep up with social media updates, but getting alerts directly in your inbox helps to focus your time on the sessions you’re most interested in. 

#2 – Design Your Perfect Virtual Event Experience

Every event brings out the big guns for the keynote speakers, and Perform 2021 is no different. Our CEO, Grant Halloran, kicks off the entire event with a look how businesses can accelerate now by looking towards tomorrow. That’s followed by a Planful customer panel, and then the schedule splits into different tracks. In other words, you’ll have to make some choices. 

Perform 2021 brings many Planful experts, customers and partners to the stage, but some of their sessions overlap. You might want to hear how Specialized Bicycle Components used Planful to support their global headcount planning process, but that overlaps with Chris Ortega of Emarsys explaining how FP&A can shift from being scorekeepers to value advisors. Life is all about choices, so get a jump on weighing those tradeoffs. 

Review the full Perform 2021 schedule today to find your must-attend sessions. Digging into the schedule early, and keeping up with additions and changes, helps ensure you don’t miss the sessions you find most interesting.

#3 – Focus Your Attention

If you followed tip #1, your schedule during Perform 2021 should be relatively free of distractions. But, unexpected things can pop up. Doing a few minutes of prep can help you get more from the event, even if you get pulled away. 

  • Block off your calendar with “busy” appointments during the entire event, or especially for the sessions you’re most interested in attending live. 
  • Toggle on the “do not disturb” mode on your phone and desktop. Here’s how to do it on your Mac, Windows 10, iPhone, or Android phone. If you’re on Windows 97 or a Blackberry, well, maybe consider upgrading… 
  • Use headphones to limit background distractions. Or, if you’re distraction-free, go ahead and feel the unfettered freedom of turning your laptop up to 11 while crunching on chips and slurping a smoothie because all attendees will be on mute!
  • Take a few notes during each session. It’s easy to forget key points, takeaways, or ideas, so write them down in a notebook or add them to your digital note-taking app of choice.
  • Create questions in advance and write those down, too. Several sessions and speakers will solicit questions from attendees, and you don’t want to miss your chance. 
  • Engage in the conversation. Add a comment or send feedback after each session, and when polls pop up or speakers ask for questions, go ahead and engage.

#4 – Mind the Time

There’s an old saying: if you can’t be on time, you can be a few minutes early. OK, that’s like a bad dad joke, but the point is that your time is precious, and we understand that. We promise not to waste time at the beginning of each session, so when the start time says 1:00 pm, we plan to be underway at 1:00 pm.

Remember, too, that each of the sessions at Perform 2021 are designed to be concise and packed with value. Speakers will likely need the entire allotted time, so strive to be logged on to each session a minute or so early, and be ready to engage.

Don’t Forget Tip #1

Register now for Perform 2021! It’s free, it’s simple, and it takes just a few seconds. The earlier you register, the more likely you can free up September 14 and 15 to learn how you and your finance and accounting colleagues can Accelerate Now.

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